Waiting for the Bus in San Francisco
If you decide to use public transportation in San Francisco, chances are good you’ll find yourself waiting…and waiting some more. A great resource to help plan your time better is NextBus. With NextBus, you can navigate to the bus line you want, the stop where you’re waiting, and, voila, it will tell you when the next bus will arrive. It is supposed to be real-time information, but it is usually off by a minute or two. Still, it will give you a good idea of how much time you have to kill in between buses. The interface for NextBus is really simple, and loads easily on your mobile device.
Another great resource is 511.org. If you need to get from Point A to Point B, and aren’t sure how to get there, using 511.org’s trip planner. You can enter various parameters, like how far you are willing to walk and what type of transit you want to take, and it will tell you the best route, along with times.
Using these two sites together will definitely help you navigate the streets of San Francisco!